Thursday, November 21, 2013

Holiday project

So, we finished project #1 and I have a few new crafts up my sleeve.  Some of them cannot be shared because they are Christmas gifts, so I will share what I can share now!

I am not sure on a timeline for this next project, but it shouldn't take too long (Since it's already been on the 'to do' list since September/October).  We got the supplies last week and I may give it a try tomorrow after B's therapy and running some errands with my mother and sister.

I found this idea on Pinterest, which is a huge timesucker.  But totally worth it, in my opinion.  Honestly, who doesn't know about Pinterest?  Where have you been?  If you know about blogs, you should know about Pinterest.  How many times can I write Pinterest in this paragraph?  Pinterest is a place for people to "pin" websites and ideas in a virtual place on the internet.  (answer: 5)

We used this with ideas for the desk:

I also have a craft ideas board, which is where I placed our next project:

Source-It's a Shabby Thing
I am going to create a holiday decoration that I can change as needed.  I actually have Halloween clings and Thanksgiving clings.  So, I have been meaning to do this for a while, happened, yet again!  Hopefully I will have it here for you guys to see before Thanksgiving!

*If you would like to do this project, Target has clings in the 1 spot

Monday, November 18, 2013

Project #1-DONE!

We finished the project!  It has actually been done for a while, now.  I just didn't really have take the time to blog.

So...behold...The new desk!
The improved file cabinet.  I can write on the top drawer with dry erase marker. :)

The desk with the old chair.  Stay tuned for an update on those, too!

There were quite a few steps to this, and before we started, we had not really taken on a project like this together.  I mean, we installed my mom's microwave and went camping and put the tent together in the dark and that made me realize, that maybe we shouldn't do these projects together anymore.

However, with the invention of Pinterest, I looked around my house and felt...well...blah!  It needs some personal touches.  And I don't mean the toys that are EVERYWHERE!  How many toys can an almost 2 year old own?  Don't answer that, because Christmas and her birthday are coming up and I do not know where I will put everything!  (Stay tuned for organization posts!)

We started with this file cabinet.

The you don't steal my stuff!

I put all of the hardware in a bag. 

primer for the file cabinet

The top of the desk.  Poplar plywood with quarter-round

We also used gel's old, but it worked!

Table, with the legs

My fancy camera work

We finished with Poly and put three coats on.
Now, we need to fill up that wall space!

The desk is in the corner of our dining room.  We chose to make it ourselves because we just couldn't find a desk that fit our style and the space.  I am very happy with how it turned out.  I am excited to share our future projects!  I have lots of crafts to complete and of course we have to find something to put on those walls above the desk!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Where have I been?

Well...I don't know what to tell you.  I stopped blogging for a bit.  We were still working on projects and I was still working on losing weight, but somehow, I'm back up!

I would tell you that I don't know how that happened, but I do.  Sometimes, life can get a little bit overwhelming and you just have to take a lil' break. 

My sister in law told me this weekend that the blog inspired her and she noticed that I hadn't been blogging.  How sweet!  So, thank you Amy for the push to start up again! 

We DID finish our first project!  I will post pictures this week, I promise!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Learning when to say no...

This is something I need to work on this year.  I've always been a person that wants to do as much as possible, but sometimes it is okay to just be.  Today, however, was not one of those days! 

This morning we went to our local Habitat ReStore.  I did a lot of volunteer trips with Habitat and loved it!  Some of my best friends were made through these trips and I am so thankful for that.  Although I don't always get the time, or take the time, to volunteer (yet another thing to work on!), anymore, we like to support the mission as much as possible.  So off we went on an adventure to see what we could find!  My husband was looking for some shelving or storage for the basement.  We found two upper cabinets for $25, so a total of $50.  Pictures will follow when we get them installed.

HomeMy husband said he could make the cabinets and I knew that was a road I didn't want to go down.  We haven't even finished project #1!  And by the time he was done, I am sure it would be close to the cost of these cabinets and we could take them home today AND help a wonderful organization.  Win-win, in my book.  And I get my husband's handyman help with my projects, instead. 

To find a store near you, visit Habitat ReStores

After that adventure, I went to my mom's to help clean.  She has MS and is also recovering from breast cancer surgery and treatment, so she appreciates any help she can get.  It was nice to get to spend some time with her.  Our little family then went to run errands and ended up not eating until 7!  We even gave our daughter lunch meat that we had not purchased yet in the grocery store...I felt a little like I was stealing!  But we obviously paid for it.  No harm done.

I am hoping to continue my post from yesterday sometime soon.  If you missed it, please visit B's story 1

Oh, and project #1 is thisclose to being done!  Hoping to share it with you early this week.  I can't wait!!!

Have you ever volunteered for Habitat?
What hidden gem would you look for today?

Friday, September 13, 2013

I'm baaaaaaack!

I didn't mean to neglect you for so long!  I am so sorry my loyal follower(s).   There should be a little button over there -------> for those of you that would like to follow and keep up with the blog! 

Life has been a little hectic around here.  I just started watching a beautiful little peanut whom both B and I adore.  But it has limited my ability to get 'er done during the day-we have made progress on our project, but it is not quite finished, so you will have to wait another day.  I am not complaining at all!  This is part of what is allowing me to be able to stay home and work on things with my family and home.  I think today is a great day to share our whole story.

I always thought this looked like she was saying "YES!"
When we found out we were expecting, we were ecstatic!  We wanted to tell our families together and I happened to be graduating with my masters in Education the same weekend as my 30th birthday.  After graduation, we gave my mother, and my mother and father-in-law a present as a thank you for their support during the two years of getting my masters.  They were Brewers booties and it took a second, but they quickly realized what we were trying to say!

The pregnancy was a little rough on me.  I gained A LOT of weight and I was sick a lot, so I felt pretty miserable.  However, it wasn't until August of that year that was really difficult.

We went for our ultrasound at about 20 weeks and we were meeting with our doctor immediately afterwards for our appointment.  The tech took what I thought was a long time taking pictures and then after waiting quite a bit, they sent us on our way.  I had read that the doctor would come talk to you if there were any issues, but they didn't, so I was relieved.  The relief was short lived, to say the least.

When we met with the doctor, whom we love and has been absolutely amazing, she said something that I will never forget.  "Did the doctor come talk to you?" I quickly looked at my husband, panicked.  "No."

"They found something in the scan.  It looks like your baby has water on the brain, or hydrocephalus."  I knew someone that had this, he went to my mother's church.  He did not lead an independent life, but had lived much longer than doctors thought he would.  His head was very large and I remembered having a conversation with my mom about it when I was little.  I remembered the words 'water on the brain' and that was all I could think of.

The doctor told us that she wanted us to meet with the perinatologist and the nurse would come and set up the appointment.  There were more words and discussion, but I don't really remember many of them.  I do remember that the nurse came in and immediately had an appointment set up for the next day.

The following days and weeks were filled with heartache and tears and anger and confusion.   I will continue this story, but in the interest and respect for your time, I will stop here for today.  But one more picture of our beautiful baby girl and let you know that we are building our happy ending, day by day!

Happy baby!

Monday, September 9, 2013


It is tough to remember, but very important!
Sometimes it is difficult to see progress.  For me, today is one of those days.  I started this blog to keep track of our projects and our home and looking back at the past week, I find myself getting discouraged.  I know Rome wasn't built in a day and our house isn't going to change over night.  I just feel like I want so many things for my family and I don't want to waste a moment on nonsense, but sometimes I feel like that is all I do...

Today, I am happy that I did the dishes and washed the cloth diapers. 

Anyone else feel like this today?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday in Packerland

Before you continue, I have a confession to make.  I live in Wisconsin and I am a Packer fan.  That is not the confession.  The confession is that today, my family and I went to a 49ers fan's house to watch the game.  I am so ashamed!  Luckily, his wife is a Packers fan!  Too bad the Packers lost.

At least Clay Matthews represented

Okay, so if you are still reading, thank you!  Know that Project #1 is a little bit closer to completion.  I am hoping to have it finished by the end of this week and then I can tell all of you all about it!

This morning, I added another coat of paint to Project #1 and then we headed out to the Watermelon Festival at Swan's Pumpkin Farm.  I remember going there growing up and we have started the tradition for our daughter as well.  We had not been to the Watermelon Festival and this may be the first year that they did it.  They had a lot of the same events that are there during the fall season, but it was fun to go.  We are still going to take our daughter during October, for sure! 
Can't wait to carve our pumpkin this year! 

I also would love to go apple picking at some point. me some Macintosh apples!

What are some fall traditions that you and your family partake in?  

Do you decorate for Halloween?